Thursday, August 17, 2006

Swapping sheep

So I was minding my own business on knitty chat one day, and someone suggested an informal natural fiber swap (okay, it might have been me) wherein the participants would trade local and naturally colored fiber for spinning with each other. No blind taste tests, no secrets....just good clean sheep swappin'.

So I found some lovely cormo roving from a local NoCal shepherd and sent it on its merry way to the Four Corners where Sarah lives. In return, she went down the road to her local Churro shepherd and sent me this lovely roving.....

Meet Ewe.

Ewe is my daughter's lamby toy.

Dear Husband named her Ewe, which of course is a female sheep. However, the name Ewe does lend itself to some amusing conversations. I will leave it to your imagination....and allow me to say that my daughter has so far not displayed any unusual symptoms of personality disorders that may come from pronoun confusion with a stuffed animal.

I had to show this photo, because it was just too weird for words. So that everyone understands completely. On a dark night, it is possible to take a photo of Ewe where she seems to be there, but really is not. No digital editing necessary. Yes, that's right, this photo is a freaky flukey thing in digital photog, happening due to DD's extremely fast sleight of hand, wherein she removed Ewe from the photo frame so quickly that the camera could not even register that Ewe was gone.

And it ain't even Halloween.

On a final note, I have been adopted! Yes, I have a One Skein Angel, who is so on the ball that she already has a package in the mail to me. Well there was the little identity slip up, but she attributes that to pre-coffee jitters, and I am content to agree with her assessment.

And finally, my SP8 is also sending a package.....can I just say that I cannot wait!

Oh, and be sure to check out my new or alternatively The site is essentially complete, although I am still working on getting merchant services up and running, as well as a separate bank account. Any comments would be welcome, of course.

And now, I am off to pick up the kidlets from the Y and stop into the Fry's for USB cables and hubs. Exciting stuff, I know!


sheep#100 said...

That is a spooky one!

OLPP said...

quick, delete this blog and send the picture to the national enquirer or some such as PROOF that ghosties exist!!!
that picture is very neat!

Jo said...

That is a nifty picture... and your daughter must have lightning fast reflexes!

Batty said...

Such pretty yarn!

But the ewe sleight of hand picture really amused me. It's perfect! Oh, the creepy stuff one could do with this...
Just beautiful. And amazing.