Here is the sweater that has been languishing on my needles for far too long. Knit side to side, it is then sewn under the arm.
The sleeve on the left is sewn up with a crocheted seam, which I am liking, I have to say.
I plan to crochet some edgings onto the sweater once sewn up....like a shell design or the like.
This sweater was knit with the following yarns:
ArtFibers Nanook, Whisper and one other that I can't remember the name of and is discon'd throughout and then Lion Incredible, Moda Dea Ticker Tape, a little Bernat Disco, Moda Dea Tiara, at intervals determined by my whim.
It is interesting to see a knitting aesthetic building up, as this is not the first thing I have knit with a mixed bag as it were. Some more examples for your consumption.

This was the second one done this way, but in this one, I have started to separate the yarns into distinct regions....this was some handspun Romney, some sari silk, handspun mohair with metallic, and Fun Fur.

The next one was using the new fancy line of yarns by Bernat that include Glittalic and Brilliant, along with a strand of DK merino that I don't remember the name of.....
Finally the one that I LOVE....cause it's soft and cozy and fun, again made with Nanook, and a host of other yarns if the triangular shawl that I finished just before delivering my dear daughter. It's not the best picture, because no matter what I do the digital camera takes too dam long to print the photo and I breathe or sway or some other crazy thing which blurs the photo. I may have to get a cheap tripod to use with it, in order to get better photos.
This shawl is also quite large as I wanted it. A foot longer than both arms on both sides, making it like 80 inches across the top and to the knees in back. The fringe is also quite thick.
So much for the quick retrospective of Ceallach Knits.....