*Left Coast Knits is knitting curtains. This time out of raw silk, which is probably a better choice than the mohair curtains that got her into knitting in the first place. It just goes to show that you can take the girl out of the curtains, but you can't take the curtain out of the girl.
I am just finishing up my fuzzy sweater previously laid out in its one-sewn-sleeve glory on a previous entry. Both sleeves have been sewn up and the edge of the sweater is crocheted up with pretty shells. Final touch is the sleeves, which need to be lengthened a bit, and shelled as well.
DH likes it, which probably means that it is hideous, well because he's a boy, and has the fashion sense of a, well, boy. I am sure that there are boys that have fashion sense, but they usually have names like Ralph Lauren, Yves St. Laurent, and are well, unlikely to have wives. Bear in mind that this is the man that told me I should put a belt on my dropped waist dress at one point. No further explanation required.
But anyway, the cardi which is a term that LeftCoastKnitter hates, fits okay, has a lot of drape and many different yarns. It would of course look way better if there were somewhat less of me.
No picture today, as the sweater is at home and I am not.